Whiskey 7 Yankee Quebec
formerly known as:
Stateline SKYWARN – Weekly Net Preamble 7:30pm Thursday
This is the Stateline Skywarn Training net. This is KF5UHX, my name is Jerome Sheffield, and I am located on Elvis Presley Lake. I will be the Net Control Station for this evening.
This net meets each Thursday evening at 7:30pm Central Standard time on the 145.490 Mhz repeater using a tone of 141.3 Hz, located in Tupelo, Mississippi. In the event of failure of this repeater, the first alternate repeater frequency is 147.075 Mhz, using a tone of 103.5 Hz, located in Tupelo, Mississippi. The second alternate repeater will be on 145.450 Mhz, using a tone of 192.8 Hz, located in Fulton, Mississippi.
This is a directed net. All stations will call the Net Control Station before breaking the net. Do we have a station that would volunteer as a back-up net control station? If so, please come now:
The purpose of this net is to prepare Amateur Radio Spotters and their equipment for actual emergency situations and provide information of interest to the Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotter community.
In the event of an actual weather emergency, the following information is what we would look for: Exact location of event. Wind speeds of 40 mph or higher. If you are estimating wind speed at 40 mph, whole trees in motion would be a good indication. For hail of ½ inch or larger, a good reference for this could be a dime. When giving the size of hail, coins are a good reference because their size is always the same. Flooding of small creeks, roads or areas that might threaten life and property. Visual sightings of funnel clouds and tornados. Also be sure to let the Net Control Station know if you are estimating your information or if you have a weather station at your location.
Is there any emergency or welfare traffic? Are there any announcements for the net?
Are there any mobile stations desiring to check-in at this time?
We will now take roll call for stations in alphabetical order of call sign suffix.
Stations with suffixes Alpha thru Golf:
Stations with suffixes Hotel thru Oscar:
Stations with suffixes Papa thru Zulu:
Are there any late or missed stations who wish to check-in now?
Is there any further business for the net?
This concludes the Stateline SKYWARN training net for this evening. To all who participated in this training net, thank you for joining us tonight. Please join us again next Thursday night at 7:30pm Central Standard time on the 145.490 Mhz repeater for another session of the Stateline SKYWARN training net.
The net is now closed at ____local time and the repeater is returned to regular Amateur Radio Communications. This KF5UHX, out.
Itawamba County ARES Net Preamble 8:00pm Thursday
Calling all members of the Itawamba County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Net. Calling all members of the Itawamba County ARES Net.
This is KF5UHX and my name is Jerome Sheffield. I am located on Elvis Presley Lake and I will be your Net Control Station for this session of the net.
This net is sanctioned by the ARRL and has been authorized by the Mississippi Section Manager of the Delta Region. This net is dedicated to the purposes of Emergency Communication, Traffic Handling, and Training for Emergencies.
The net meets each Thursday night at 8:00pm Central time here on the 145.490 Mhz Repeater with a tone of 141.3 Hz. Alternate frequencies are 147.075 Mhz with a tone of 103.5 Hz, located in Tupelo and 145.450 Mhz with a tone of 192.8 Hz, located in Fulton, Mississippi.
This is a directed net, please do not transmit unless directed to do so by the Net Control Station, or in case of emergency. Do I have a station that will serve as an alternate net control station? If so, please come now:
Is there any emergency, priority, or welfare traffic?
Is there any formal traffic for out of state locations?
Is there any formal traffic for Mississippi?
Are there any training messages or bulletins for the net?
Are there any announcements or informal traffic for the net?
We will now be calling for check-ins to the net using alphabetical order by callsign suffix.
Stations with call sign suffix beginning with Alfa thru Foxtrot, please come now:
Stations with call sign suffix beginning with Golf thru Lima, please come now:
Stations with call sign suffix beginning with Mike thru Romeo, please come now:
Stations with call sign suffix beginning with Sierra thru Zulu, please come now:
Do we have any late or missed stations wishing to check in, please come now:
Does anyone request the net frequency? If so, the net frequency is reserved for 145.490
All stations are now free and secure. Thanks to everyone for joining the net this Thursday evening.
Please join us again next Thursday night at 8:00pm central time here on the 145.490 Mhz repeater for another session of the Itawamba County ARES net.
This is KF5UHX closing this session of the Itawamba County ARES net at ____pm local time and returning the repeater back to normal amateur us. KF5UHX, out.